About Me

Abigail Jackson Hello! My name is Abigail, and I'm a full-stack web developer! I believe in living holistically and that if everyone was allowed to live into all they were made to be, the world would be a better place. That being said, I believe that innovation in technology and creativity in art are two sides of the same coin, and I love to see the intersection of both. Before learning to code, I was already growing my skills as a designer and photographer. Through these skills, I seek to tell stories that resonate with the hearts of people in a way that challenges everyone to see the world through different perspectives.

I have a background in the non-profit sector and seek to build into structures that are accessible and empower people from diverse walks of life.

As someone who is both Filipinx and white, I have learned to see the world through different lenses,and it has profoundly affected my work and art. I am in the process of learning my people's history and hope to one day see the Asian-American narrative in a greater position of legitimacy. If you would like to follow along on my journey, check out my other website at halohalocreative.com or on Instagram at @abigailjxn.

Thanks for visiting!